DEA Practitioners Manual: Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) The Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP), also known as the Prescription Drug M...
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When a dentist or DSO (or any other healthcare entity) get busted for Fraud, Waste or Abuse (FWA) issues the government may decline criminal prosecution in favor of a civil settlement known as a Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA). There is much to unpack about CIAs. Here i...
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A movie called Fools Rush In came out in 1997 (worth noting this was over 20 years ago). Three years later in October 2000 the...
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Sometimes when you mess up – and that mess up involves Medicare, Medicaid, or funds from another government healthcare program – not only do you have to fix the mess, but you may also have to go back and make amends to limit your liability and hedge against civil and/...
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I put out a lot of TOP NOTCH compliance content from this blog to the podcast, "Talking with the ToothCop." I know a lot of you benefit from this content, but some of you might not know what we do....cause let's face it, ...
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Michael Gerber in The ‘E’- Myth (Revisited) illustrates the importance of developing duplicate-able systems. He demonstrates that a business owner’s value is in their system. This makes sense (dollars too, BILLIONS of them!) Look at McDonald's,...
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