Physician practices and hospitals routinely audit for compliance, risk management, revenue cycle and quality of care issues. They don’t necessarily like it, but they’ve settled into the routine of doing it to minimize their losses in the ever-increasing fight for dollars b...
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I put out a lot of TOP NOTCH compliance content from this blog to the podcast, "Talking with the ToothCop." I know a lot of you benefit from this content, but some of you might not know what we do....cause let's face it, ...
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Daily perspective (pre-bill) audits help identify and minimizes billing errors by ensuring the accuracy of claims before they are submitted. This step alone can help compliance programs pay for themselves. Periodic retrospective audits involve the det...
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Michael Gerber in The ‘E’- Myth (Revisited) illustrates the importance of developing duplicate-able systems. He demonstrates that a business owner’s value is in their system. This makes sense (dollars too, BILLIONS of them!) Look at McDonald's,...
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Let's face it, the day to day operations of working in a dental practice can get crazy! As the dentist, you can be pulled in three (or more) different directions, and your team members try their best to keep you on track! There are times when a ...
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