Big Country Dental Roundup
The biggest dental conference in West Texas!
Join us in Abilene at Potosi Live for learning, lunch, and more!
Courses for the doctors!
Panel Discussion: Practice Transitions for Dummies:
Leveraging the Current Dental Market in Your Favor
Moderated by Ty Ramsey and Matt Zolfo from Practice Transitions Strategies
Ty ramsey

Matt zolfo
course objectives
- Learn to leverage the current dental market environment in your favor
- Learn to avoid common pitfalls in the practice transitions space
- Learn to decipher all of the confusing financial terms typically used in transitions
- Learn about the most common offer structures typically used and their advantages and disadvantages
- Learn the best go-forward strategy for your particular practice in this unique dental environment
Bringing on an Associate: Could I, Should I, How Would I?
Presented by Dr. Reena Kuba and Ms. Bethany Petty
course objectives
- List key practice growth patterns
- Describe steps to take to impact practice growth
- Identify important advisors to have in place before a practice transition
- Describe multiple provider practice advantages and disadvantages

Bethany Petty

Dr. Reena Kuba
Courses for the whole Team!
Are you Tired of Wiping?
Presented by Paul Saueressig

Paul Saueressig
course objectives
- Learn about new cutting-Edge technology technologies being introduced into the long-term infection control space.
- Learn how to use Rapid Testing devices to receive immediate data regarding ATP, surface microbial, viral and CFU water line count levels in your practice within minutes.
- Learn how to use data from new rapid testing devices to assure you, your patients, and staff that you practice is as save and clean as possible.
- Learn how to decrease the amount of time by 75% that your staff currently spends cleaning and wiping services in your dental office.
Leveraging Compliance for Practice Efficiency
Presented by Duane Tinker
course objectives
- Common compliance risks (and what to do about them)
- Strategies to leverage compliance to ensure practice efficiency
- How compliance can save you millions of dollars