Exploring the 75 Hard Challenge and Why You Need to Protect Your Integrity!

Exploring the 75 Hard Challenge and Why You Need to Protect Your Integrity!

Your integrity is a critical aspect of your reputation as a dental professional - are you doing everything you can to protect it? If you don’t stay proactive when it comes to protecting your integrity, your business could be in danger! 

In this episode, Andrea and I discuss our experience with the 75 Hard Challenge and what it takes for dentists like you to protect your integrity. You’ll want to pay extra attention to this episode - it’s full of content I know you’ll find helpful! 

The 75 Hard Challenge 

I’ll be honest - over the last couple of years; I’ve let my health slide. I’ve been so consumed with the dental compliance space that my attention to my health has taken a back seat. Recently - I’ve been starting to think about my health and a podcast I listened to really helped me see what I can do to get back on track. Andrea and I have started the 75 Hard Challenge - here is what it entails: 

  1. Pick a diet to follow and stick with it - no cheat days. 
  2. Drink a gallon of water a day. 
  3. Exercise twice a day for 45-minutes each session - one has to be outside. 
  4. Take a progress picture every day. 
  5. Read ten pages each night of a personal/professional development book. 

I know the 75 Hard Challenge won’t be for everyone and that’s OK! I brought the 75 Hard Challenge up because I want to encourage and motivate dental professionals like you to stay in the game and pay attention to your health. Find out how Andrea and I have fared with the challenge by listening to this episode! 

Why I started Dental Compliance

As you know - I’m pretty obsessed with dental compliance. I totally geek-out when it comes to self-disclosure protocols, expired medical equipment, securing patient information, and a whole host of additional topics. When I started Dental Compliance back in 2011, my goal was to bridge the gap between government agencies and dental providers. In my experience, most regulators don’t understand dentistry - someone needed to step in with solutions - that’s why I got into dental compliance. We’ve got a ton of helpful resources that will help dental professionals like you stay at the top of your game - if you haven’t joined our email list - that’s a great place to start! 

Your integrity is your greatest asset

If you don’t have your integrity - your word - your reputation - what do you have? This might sound a little old school, but at the end of the day - your integrity is your greatest asset! If your patients don’t trust you to take care of them and always do the right thing - your business will fail. Too many dentists like to stick their heads in the sand and assume that ignorance is bliss when it comes to patient billing mistakes - don’t do that! Time might heal all wounds, but if you mess up when it comes to your integrity - you can kiss your business goodbye! Join Andrea and as we go even deeper with the topic of protecting your integrity in this episode.

Outline of This Episode

  • [0:45] Andrea and I share our story about taking on a personal health challenge. 
  • [20:00] Why you should connect with us on social media! 
  • [21:30] The reason I started Dental Compliance. 
  • [23:30] Andrea and I discuss self-disclosure protocols. 
  • [25:15] Responding to detected violations. 
  • [27:00] Don’t be stupid and blow your integrity! 
  • [31:30] What is a corporate integrity agreement? 
  • [34:20] Closing thoughts.  

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