Medical Emergency Drill Scenario: Seizure in Dental Office

Medical Emergency Drill Scenario: Seizure in Dental Office


To evaluate and prepare dental staff for effectively recognizing and managing a patient experiencing a seizure during a dental procedure.

Target Participants:

•    Dentists
•    Dental Assistants
•    Office Staff
•    Receptionist

Equipment Needed:

•    CPR Manikin
•    Timer/Stopwatch
•    Blood pressure monitor
•    Pulse oximeter
•    Oxygen tank and mask
•    First Aid Kit
•    Soft objects like towels for patient protection


A 28-year-old female patient is in the dental chair for a routine cleaning. Midway through the procedure, she begins to have a seizure.


1.    00:00-00:30 seconds: Patient's eyes roll back, and she starts convulsing.
2.    00:30-01:00 minute: Patient's convulsions continue; she is unresponsive.
3.    01:00-01:30 minutes: Convulsions start to subside, but the patient remains unresponsive.
4.    01:30-02:00 minutes: Patient starts to regain consciousness but appears confused.

Drill Steps:

Phase 1: Identifying the Situation (00:00-00:30 seconds)

1.    Dental assistant notices the onset of a seizure and immediately informs the dentist.

Phase 2: Initial Response (00:30-01:00 minute)

1.    Dentist immediately stops the dental procedure.
2.    Dental assistant moves any sharp instruments away from the patient's oral cavity and reclines the dental chair to a safe position to prevent injury.
3.    Place soft objects like towels around the patient's head to protect it from injury during convulsions.

Phase 3: Communication and Team Action (01:00-01:30 minutes)

1.    Receptionist is instructed to call 911, providing details about the ongoing seizure.

Phase 4: Medical Management (01:30-02:00 minutes)

1.    Once the convulsions subside, dental staff assesses the patient’s airway, breathing, and circulation, and administers oxygen via mask.
2.    Dental assistant continues to monitor vital signs, including pulse and blood pressure.

Phase 5: Handover and Documentation

1.    Upon EMS arrival, dental staff provides a full account of the situation, detailing the sequence of events and any observed symptoms.
2.    Document all actions and observations in the patient’s medical record, including symptoms, vital signs, and emergency steps taken.

Evaluation Metrics:

1.    Time taken to recognize the onset of the seizure.
2.    Time taken to safely halt the dental procedure and protect the patient.
3.    Speed and clarity of communication among staff members.
4.    Time taken to inform EMS.
5.    Proper use of medical equipment.
6.    Accuracy and completeness of documentation.

After the drill, a debriefing session should be conducted to discuss the performance of the team, identify strengths, and highlight areas for improvement. Use this feedback for refining future training and enhancing emergency preparedness for real-world situations.

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