Filing Dental Medicaid Claims: A Step-by-Step Guide for Dental Practices

Filing Dental Medicaid Claims: A Step-by-Step Guide for Dental Practices

Navigating the waters of dental Medicaid claims can be a challenging process for dental practices. From understanding eligibility requirements to submitting claims accurately, each step is crucial for timely reimbursement and maintaining financial health. This step-by-step guide aims to provide dentists, dental hygienists, office managers, and other dental team members with a clear pathway to successfully file Medicaid claims.

Step 1: Verify Patient Eligibility Before providing services, confirm the patient's Medicaid eligibility. Medicaid coverage can fluctuate, so it's important to check eligibility at each visit.

  • Utilize your state’s Medicaid provider portal to verify eligibility.
  • Keep a record of the eligibility verification in the patient’s file.

Step 2: Understand Covered Services Not all dental procedures may be covered under Medicaid. Familiarize yourself with your state's Medicaid dental coverage guidelines to determine what is reimbursable.

  • Review the list of covered dental codes and services for your state.
  • Train your team to understand these guidelines to avoid non-covered services unless necessary.

Step 3: Accurate Coding Correct dental coding is essential. Use the most current dental coding manuals to ensure your claims are not denied due to outdated or incorrect codes.

  • Stay updated with the Current Dental Terminology (CDT) codes.
  • Consider periodic training to keep your billing team updated on new codes and changes.

Step 4: Timely Claim Submission Submit claims as soon as possible after providing services. Delayed submissions can lead to delayed payments or denials.

  • Keep track of submission deadlines for your state’s Medicaid program.
  • Implement a system to check that claims are submitted promptly.

Step 5: Proper Documentation Supporting documentation is key for claim approval. Ensure that you have all necessary documents attached with your claim submission.

  • Include x-rays, periodontal charts, and narratives where required.
  • Regularly audit your documentation practices to ensure compliance.

Step 6: Submit Claims Electronically Electronic claims submission can be more efficient and is often preferred by Medicaid programs.

  • Use an approved electronic health records (EHR) system that interfaces with Medicaid’s billing system.
  • Double-check that electronic submissions have been received and accepted.

Step 7: Follow-up and Track Claims After submission, monitor the status of each claim. Follow up on any claims that are pending for too long or if you receive a denial.

  • Keep a log of submitted claims and their status.
  • Designate team members to handle follow-ups and appeals if necessary.

Step 8: Handle Denials and Appeals If a claim is denied, review the denial reason, correct any errors, and appeal the decision if warranted.

  • Understand the appeals process for your state's Medicaid program.
  • Document all correspondence and steps taken during the appeals process.


Filing dental Medicaid claims is a multifaceted process that requires attention to detail and a proactive approach. By following these steps, dental practices can improve their Medicaid billing efficiency, reduce denials, and ensure a smoother revenue cycle. Remember, state-specific guidelines can vary, so always refer to your local Medicaid regulations for the most accurate and detailed information.

Remember to remain adaptable and stay informed on Medicaid policy changes to ensure continued compliance and success in your dental Medicaid claim submissions.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is intended for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or professional advice.

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